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Semi-standing posture stools close to standing posture to reduce strain on the lower back.
It is no secret that changing our posture throughout the day is essential to our wellbeing in the office. What’s more, adapting a posture that is appropriate for the task at hand helps relieve stress placed upon the body. Okamura recommends five postures for increased office productivity and efficiency. Among them is the perching posture, a perfect combination of standing and sitting, which is suitable for a standing meeting or a touchdown. Our perching stool, repiroue was brought to life with the intention of making the perching posture more accessible in the office environment.
Semi-standing posture, an intermediate posture between sitting and standing postures. Retention of the upper body and reduced strain on the legs and hips, less strain on the body and less fatigue. It is suitable for short meetings, as standing and sitting are quick and easy.
The perching posture - recommended for increased office productivity and efficiency - is a combination of standing and sitting, suitable for standing meetings or touchdowns. The repiroue perching stool was designed to make the perching posture more accessible and widespread in the office environment.
Repiroue’ s shell, a design based on a simulated analys is of finite elements, bespeaks the outstanding efforts behind Okamura’s eco-conscious designs. Okamura’s product developers optimize the use of resources by minimizing the amounts of materials used without sacrificing the outstanding quality, strength, and safety of the products.
Repiroue’ s shell, a design based on a simulated analys is of finite elements, bespeaks the outstanding efforts behind Okamura’s eco-conscious designs. Okamura’s product developers optimize the use of resources by minimizing the amounts of materials used without sacrificing the outstanding quality, strength, and safety of the products.
Recycled materials are used in steel and resin parts.These materials make up about 28% by product weight.
With easy disassembly and recycling always in mind, repiroue is designed so materials can be thoroughly separated into the same groups.
with A3 Tablet
with A4 Tablet
Wouldn't it be convenient to have a small table to take a note during meetings? Runa meets this need with an optional A4 tablet. It moves smoothly from side to side, ensuring it doesn't obstruct standing or sitting.
Wouldn't it be convenient to have a small table to take a note during meetings? Runa meets this need with an optional A4 tablet. It moves smoothly from side to side, ensuring it doesn't obstruct standing or sitting.
with A3 Tablet
with A4 Tablet
Polyamide resins is used to ensure recycling in the future. Resins recovered after use are reprocessed and reused by resin manufactures. Okamura is an active user of recycled resins for its products.
Recovered aluminum is processed into a recycled form by alloy manufacturers and later into aluminum. Energy consumption can be reduced by 97% by generating recycled metal from recovered aluminum rather than creating aluminum from its source material bauxite.
Recovered aluminum is processed into a recycled form by alloy manufacturers and later into aluminum. Energy consumption can be reduced by 97% by generating recycled metal from recovered aluminum rather than creating aluminum from its source material bauxite.
Steelmakers use recovered steel to produce new steel. Steelmaking with recovered steel consumes 75% less energy than steelmaking from iron ore.
Adjust your posture to best suit the task at hand.
Adjust your posture to best suit the task at hand.
Until recent years, office workers had spent most of their time seated at their desks, but with increased recognition of height adjustable tables’ benefits, more and more office workers are starting to work on their feet. Our perching stool, repiroue is the perfect companion to height adjustable tables, with its easy height adjustment function, it can accommodate office workers of all body types.
Until recent years, office workers had spent most of their time seated at their desks, but with increased recognition of height adjustable tables’ benefits, more and more office workers are starting to work on their feet. Our perching stool, repiroue is the perfect companion to height adjustable tables, with its easy height adjustment function, it can accommodate office workers of all body types.
1. Support Upper Body
Pelvic stability due to three-point support of both feet and sitting bones.
2. Less Strain on the Lower Back than Sitting
Because the seat is tilted forward, Pelvic angle close to the standing position, The S-curve of the spine is maintained.
3. Less Strain on the Legs than the Standing Position
Moderate weight distribution to the soles of the feet and the seat.
Pelvic stability due to three-point support of both feet and sitting bones.
2. Less Strain on the Lower Back than Sitting
Because the seat is tilted forward, Pelvic angle close to the standing position, The S-curve of the spine is maintained.
3. Less Strain on the Legs than the Standing Position
Moderate weight distribution to the soles of the feet and the seat.
*Source : the University of Tokyo Hospital Joint research with Specially Appointed Associate Professor Hiroshi Matsudaira, 2015.
White Shell
Black Shell
The supporting column can tilt in all directions with your body allowing you to sit at comfortable angle and move freely.
Use the lever underneath the chair to adjust the height between 565mm to 815mm.
You can press the ring with all-around access underneath the seat, making height adjustment quick and easy.
The plastic ring protects the upholstery for longer life.
The inner shell of the seat has a concave shape, which catches the pelvis when sitting and ensures a stable sitting position.