Okamura's Designed Workplace Showcase
Case Number 100501
General materials manufacturer

General Materials Manufacturer

Head Office

This is the head office of a general materials manufacturer that has continually supplied basic materials essential to society since its founding. The company's lease was up in its previous building, so it relocated its offices and reformed its office environment. The meeting rooms, which had been dispersed throughout, were consolidated on the reception floor, and now function to vertically connect the offices, which cover four floors. Consolidating the meeting rooms has served to increase space efficiency and improve security. The administrative offices feature a wide, open space that has eliminated partitions that block sight lines. Communication areas with large tables are located in the middle of the floors and are symbolic of the office reforms that were instituted. Overall, the offices are intended to be highly functional with a good balance between efficiency, economy and safety. They both enhance communication and strengthen security.


Okamura provides interior design services for more functional, more effective offices to clients in a full range of industries.