Okamura's Designed Workplace Showcase
Case Number 111001
Medical scales manufacturer

TANITA Corporation

Headquarters/Tokyo Business Site

TANITA, a leading manufacturer of health measurement instruments such as body fat monitors, body composition analyzers, etc. has implemented a transfer and integration plan due to its seismic resistance works at its office building.
It has transferred the employees who were dispersed over two buildings into its headquarters building and improved its office environment.
TANITA has always provided cutting-edge health instruments. For example, it was the first company in Japan to manufacture and sell household body weight scales, and the first in the world to manufacture and sell body fat monitors and body composition analyzers. Now it has also created a plan in the area of working methods to gradually introduce a non-territorial office layout with the goals of achieving knowledge management and further improvements in work efficiency.
It is aiming to gradually introduce non-territorial office layouts within groups and to move to a completely non-territorial office layout as soon as the infrastructure environment is in place.
A space has been established in the center of the office to encourage communication and to generate fortuitous social interactions between employees from different sections.
Furthermore, the employee cafe which is famous for its recipe book has been refurbished, and it is now being used as a space where employees can change their environment and state of mind while working. For example, it is opened up as a meeting area outside of lunch hours.


Okamura provides interior design services for more functional, more effective offices to clients in a full range of industries.